by Tomer Sharon
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir den User Research-Experten Tomer Sharon neben der Keynote auch für einen Workshop gewinnen konnten. Damit möglichst viele davon profitieren können, werden wir diesen zweimal anbieten.
The fast adoption of the Lean Startup management approach among startups, enterprises, and government agencies worldwide has brought to light new (and renewed) user research methods. These methods help answer burning questions people, teams, and organizations have about their customers. A key aspect of Lean User Research is that it creates a shared understanding among research stakeholders and that it provides fast, reliable results.
This workshop will introduce attendees to lean user research starting from understanding what it is, what it is good for, when to use and not use it, through quick, fun exercises that allow attendees to taste actual implementation of three techniques and methods: stating hypotheses, user observation, and Concierge MVP. Exercises involve group work, analysis and walkthrough of user observation videos, and developing a concept for a MVP.
Workshop outline
- Introduction to Lean Startup
- When to use Lean Research
- Exercise 1: Assumptions and hypotheses
- Exercise 2: Observing users
- Exercise 3: Concierge MVP
- Q&A and wrap up
Termine & Dauer
Im Rahmen der Konferenz werden zwei Halbtages-Workshops mit jeweils identischem Programm angeboten:
- Termin 1: Dienstag, 6. September, 14:00-17:00 Uhr
- Termin 2: Mittwoch, 7. September, 14:00-17:00 Uhr
ACHTUNG: Es ist nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Teilnehmerplätzen pro Workshop verfügbar!
Frühbucher (bis 27.7.) | Normalpreis | |
Mitglieder German UPA und GI | 225 € | 275 € |
Nichtmitglieder | 250 € | 300 € |
Der Workshop am Mittwoch ist auch OHNE Konferenzteilnahme buchbar. Dafür ist bei der Anmeldung die Tagesticket-Option “Lean User Research Workshop-Teilnehmer (Mittwoch; ohne Konferenzteilnahme)” auszuwählen und der Code “LeanResearchMittwoch” zu verwenden.
Über Tomer Sharon
Tomer is Head of User Experience at WeWork in New York City leading a team that designs work and living spaces, communities, and services around the world. Formerly a senior user experience researcher at Google Search, Tomer is the author of the book, Validating Product Ideas through Lean User Research (2016) and author of It’s Our Research: Getting stakeholder buy-in for user experience research projects (2012). He founded and led The Israeli Chapter of the User Experience Professionals’ Association and has been preaching and teaching UX at Google’s LaunchPad program, a bootcamp for early-stage startups around the world, in conferences, and at Treehouse and General Assembly. Tomer holds a master’s degree in Human Factors in Information Design from Bentley University in Waltham, MA.
Twitter: @tsharon